Exercise in pregnancy

Exercise in pregnancy

The journey to motherhood can transform not just your life, but also the way you care for your body and mind. It's a time when the well-being of your growing baby is intimately tied to your own. As an obstetrician who values your holistic well-being, I'd like to share with you a few key benefits of exercise during pregnancy.

Engaging in physical activity at this special time goes beyond maintaining personal fitness; it's a nurturing, enjoyable practice that strengthens your body and cultivates emotional calmness. These aspects are not only vital for your own health during pregnancy but also play a significant role in your baby's development.

Among the many of exercises suitable for expectant mothers, yoga is perhaps a most effective choice. It is a gentle yet powerful activity that can build your strength and resilience, and also harmonise your mental and physical health. Research indicates the benefits of weekly pregnancy yoga classes, highlighting their role in reducing prenatal anxiety and depression. But yoga classes are more than just a physical regimen; they are also a sanctuary where you can connect with other mothers-to-be, sharing experiences and forming bonds which can often last a lifetime.

Yoga in pregnancy is not just about maintaining fitness. It is a journey of discovery and skill, teaching you breathing techniques that can be invaluable during labour. Imagine being able to get through contractions using the power of your breath you have honed over weeks or even months of practice! Not only this, but some yoga positions can also gently guide your baby into the ideal position for birth, smoothing an uncomplicated path into the world.

But don’t limit your view to yoga alone. Walking, swimming, aerobics are also excellent choices. These and similar, low-impact activities boost your stamina, strength, and flexibility, preparing your body for childbirth. They can also alleviate common discomforts such as lower back pain, improve your sleep pattern, and enhance your mood.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so it's really important to consult with your obstetrician before starting any exercise regimen. Together, we can tailor the most appropriate program that respects your body's needs and your baby's safety.

I encourage you to embrace exercise as a celebration of your body's incredible capability. It's not just about staying fit; it's about building your resilience and nurturing a deep connection with the life within you, preparing both mind and body for the beautiful journey of childbirth.

With warmth,

Gergana Peeva


Baby Blues


Nutrition in pregnancy