Advantages of planned C-section

Advantages of planned C-section

Many of you are told only the horror stories about this “major” surgery and the information you are given would mainly focus on the risks and worse case scenarios. However, everything in life has two sides and today I dedicate this post to the advantages of an elective (planned) C-section.

  • Elective C-section is the safest way to deliver your baby by minimising the risk of labour related cerebral palsy, infection and fetal distress

  • Elective C-section usually takes no longer than an hour which is associated with minimum fatigue after delivery giving you the opportunity to enjoy your baby more

  • If performed by an experienced obstetrician, the recovery after an elective C-section is fast: you will be able to mobilise couple of hours after the surgery.The recovery is also faster than after a complicated vaginal birth

  • There are fewer complications associated with an elective C-section compared to an emergency one

  • A C-section scar can be beautiful and almost invisible if the incision is planned and marked in advance and sutured appropriately

  • An elective C-section is a planned procedure giving you the opportunity to arrange any family logistics such as the care of other children which decreasing the stress associated with an unknown timing of delivery

  • And yes, the unforgettable LION KING moment!!!


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