Insomnia during pregnancy

Insomnia during pregnancy

Now is the time to take sleep seriously.

Research has shown that about 78% of women report disturbed sleep during pregnancy. Lack of sleep during pregnancy has been tied to a number of complications, including preeclampsia, preterm birth, long labour and higher risk of emergency C-section.

Tips to tackle insomnia:

  • Supplement nighttime sleep with naps during the day,however, do not take the naps after 4pm and keep them to a maximum of 45 min!

  • Find a comfortable position: Try lying on your left side, knees bent with a pillow between your knees.

  • Stick to a bedtime routine that relaxes you, and don’t vary from it.

  • Do not eat or drink at bedtime. Finish eating and drinking two hours before going to bed.

  • Keep your bedroom cool at around 18-20 degrees.

  • Restless leg syndrome can be reduced with a good prenatal vitamin that includes folate and iron. You should also stretch and stay hydrated.


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