Diabetes and fetus

Diabetes and the fetus

  • Diabetes in pregnancy can be pre-existing (type 1 or type 2) or gestational (diabetes only during the pregnancy). Irrespectively of the type of diabetes, well controlled blood sugars are essential to avoid complications for the mother and baby.

  • Diabetes that is not well controlled causes the baby's blood sugar to be high. The developing baby has excessive growth and produces a lot of urine leading to increased amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).

  • Large for gestational babies of diabetic mothers are at risk of placental insufficiency, shoulder dystocia and preterm birth. Known long-term fetal adverse effects are obesity, overweight, insulin resistance and impaired neurocognitive development.

  • However, it is important to highlight that well controlled diabetes reduces the above risks and the majority of the babies born to mothers with diabetes are absolutely well and normal.

    Remember: Controlling blood sugar keeps you and your baby healthy and prevents a difficult delivery!

    A lot of useful information about diabetes and pregnancy is available here (
    click here).


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