Benefits of the third trimester scan

Benefits of the third trimester scan

Why a third trimester scan is a YES! A third trimester scan is NOT part of a routine antenatal care in the majority of the UK hospitals. However, there are many advantages of a scan performed around 34-36 weeks of gestation:

  • Accurate assessment of the growth of your baby (significantly more accurate than a tape measurement of your abdomen)

  • Assessment of the presentation: cephalic or breech, which gives you the opportunity to plan your birth appropriately and have a choice of management

  • Assessment of position of the placenta for ensuring a safe vaginal birth

  • Assessment of the amniotic fluid and the fetal blood flow

  • Assessment of fetal anatomy: some of the fetal anomalies are visible only in the third trimester and therefore remain undiagnosed if your last scan is at 20-22 weeks gestation


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