34 weeks package


Embark on a nurturing journey tailored for you with our personalised maternity care package, starting from your 34-week appointment, extending through delivery, and into the vital six weeks of your postnatal period. This package is ideal for mothers-to-be who wish to opt for a vaginal delivery.

To ensure a safe and optimal birthing experience under this package, Dr Peeva recommends starting this journey by the 34th week. This early engagement is especially crucial for those considering a vaginal birth, allowing ample time for thorough preparation and planning.

Your antenatal sessions with Dr Peeva are hosted at the esteemed Women’s Wellness Centre, scheduled to harmoniously fit into your weekly routine.

You will also benefit from Dr Peeva's expertly conducted serial growth scans, seamlessly integrated into your antenatal visits. For extended care, we offer special ultrasound packages at preferential rates when paired with our maternity packages.

For those starting their care at 34 weeks, we highly recommend complementing this with our Fetal Wellbeing USS package or our flexible pay-as-you-go option, ensuring a comprehensive and comforting experience for both you and your baby.

Click here to see the schedule of care

For more details about this package or to discuss recommended options directly with Dr Peeva, we invite you to a complimentary meet and greet session, either in person or via Zoom/online. To schedule your session, please see the contact details provided.