Dr Gergana Peeva Maternity Care Packages 20 Weeks Package


This package is meticulously crafted for both you and your baby, offering personalised care from your initial 20-week appointment, through delivery, and into the vital six weeks of your postnatal period.

Your antenatal appointments with Dr Peeva take place at the esteemed Women’s Wellness Centre, scheduled at times that fit seamlessly into your week, ensuring your comfort and convenience.

Dr Peeva personally conducts in-depth ultrasound examinations during your visits. These include a detailed evaluation of foetal anatomy and screening for preterm birth between 20-22 weeks, followed by regular growth scans leading up to delivery.

For your further benefit, you may wish to consider Dr Peeva’s special ultrasound packages which are available at preferential rates alongside maternity packages. These ultrasound sessions not only provide crucial insights into your baby's development but also offer a comforting and bonding experience, allowing expectant mothers to feel even more connected to their growing baby.

Click here to see the schedule of care

For more details about this package or to discuss recommended options directly with Dr Peeva, we invite you to a complimentary meet and greet session, either in person or via Zoom/online. To schedule your session, please see the contact details provided.